“I have two roles: Principal Consultant and Resource Manager. The Principal Consultant role is all about delivering solutions, it entails being able to do whatever is necessary. Primarily, it is about Design and Solutions based on Requirements, but it also can mean other jobs like Analyst, Project Manager, Trainer, Techie, Tester. Whatever it takes! The Resource Manager is a BPD Role, helping the management team primarily with recruitment and employee engagement. It adds another level of variety to my job, it was recently described as the VP of Stuff! I just love that!”
“As a kid I was either going to be an Actor or join the Army, but having started my family at a young 21, I needed a job with good career prospects. I joined a Software Company and quickly demonstrated an aptitude as a Software Consultant and later on as a Project Manager. I always found it easy to be that conduit between the technical Developers and the Client, being able to convert their requirements into solutions and then explain what was needed to the Developers to make it all happen. I also found I love to share the knowledge with those that wanted to know more, explaining how solutions were achieved so that they could learn and understand better.”
“My job is so varied, I can turn my hand to most things which is all good for the “value-add” but I really love Design and Problem Solving, looking at all the potential options and then bringing them although into a system that works for the users (rather than the designer!) efficiently and effectively.
As Resource Manager, I’m involved in the hiring process, bringing in new people and seeing them become values team members means that we picked the right people, we go for quality rather than quantity!”
“We are a team of people who share that same philosophy… it’s all about the value-add. BPD recognizes the talent and as managers we grow our people and that goes all the way to the top.”
“Honesty, Fairness and Integrity. I often look at the work that we are delivering and ask the questions: Are we adding value here? Is this going to show improvements? Can we realize those benefits? Sometimes being honest with a client or a teammate can be a challenge but with consideration and respect then the honesty is usually appreciated. Working on those long-term relationships with Clients and having them come back to you time and time again for your opinion and input. Knowing that it was a job well done is all the praise I need!”
“Being in Calgary, we have such a great playground on our doorstep. Summer months are spent hiking, camping, biking and even canoeing. Winter months it’s skiing, and we use these months to travel far and wide. We try to take at least one NFL game in each year, the best for me was my first… Philadelphia! Great City, Best Team, Awesome Fans! Fly Eagles Fly! We’re big CFL fans too, season ticket holders at Calgary Stampeders, Go Stamps Go! We’re also in a Softball team, it’s only a beer league but so much fun, this year we were crowned champions after being unbeaten at the end of year tournament, which is as much about beer-drinking stamina as it is playing ball!”
“In the past few years, we’ve found and employed some great new team members. Seeing them develop and become valued members of the team, this is the same for graduate trainees to seasoned professionals, is always great. It was a big change, moving from the UK and finding a new life in Canada, and having built a good network of Maximo and like-minded people is something I want to build on further.”
“I walk to and from work to home most days, it’s a great way to leave the office and work behind and switch off before getting home. My partner and I enjoying cooking together or perhaps, as a treat, heading out for a meal at one of our favourite spots.”
“All kinds of things! I like to mix it up and at least be doing something. Camping with friends is always a possibility in the summer months. Exploring new places either in the Mountains or a City Visit or at least planning a trip is always high on the agenda, otherwise hitting a favourite bar with some live music (love Blues!) and friends or having fun at a Stampeders Tailgate and cheering on the team.”