One common challenge facing many organisations is how to digitalise a paper form that has been in use for many years. You want to do this for a variety of reasons. Most common is to aid data driven decisions and/or reduce the amount of paper in the organisation for environmental and process efficiency reasons.
The introduction of Mobile applications provides many Maximo users with the ability to digitise a previously paper based form and record results directly from a Mobile Workorder to the Maximo system. This is achieved by utilising the Inspection form functionality. Forms can be created and linked directly with Work Orders to ensure the data is captured electronically at the time the work is performed.
While it may seem simple on the surface, there are a few considerations to be worked through.
Some forms may not be suited to digital inspection formats or the layout of the paper form requires updating to current practice.
Examples of these are;
To address this, select forms that are critical to the organisation or add great value for analysing the data and implement them first – shy away from a ‘big bang’ approach and utilise the 80:20 rule ie you most likely use 20% of your forms 80% of the time.
Are the forms used to also satisfy regulatory requirements? These forms may need quality or regulatory reviews before transferring to a digital format.
Users can make or break the implementation of digital forms. Paper forms allow users to tick boxes and add readings in any order since they have one piece of paper to populate. Digital forms provide the questions in a grouped or linear fashion.
Consider how a technician might perform the inspection and sequence the questions to follow a logical order the technician would follow so they do not have to scroll up and down pages on screen or use search functions unnecessarily.
Introduce forms incrementally so users are not overwhelmed having to learn many forms at once.
On a tablet, the user already has a work order number, an asset or location number linked with the Work Order and form and so on, so you do not need to ask these sorts of questions in the form. Every answer is timestamped so you do not need a question to record the date.
If you want all the question responses to be captured on the form, mandatory settings can be applied. However, be mindful that a technician cannot complete a form or a work order if the mandatory questions do not have response. Make sure the technician can always provide a response to a mandatory question.
Remember that a user can interpret a response from a paper form, but it may not be straight forward when presented with a digital version. Remember the technician will have the task instructions associated with the workorder plan. A few guidelines are
It only takes a few minutes to add a new inspection form to Maximo. It takes longer to design the new form, but the time spent on design will deliver excellent results and support the analysis and insights your organisation will use to assess the health of your Asset portfolio.