Aerospace & Defence BPD Zenith Comms

    The Defence sector faces unique challenges in maintaining and managing complex equipment and systems effectively...


    This can often result in increased downtime, higher maintenance costs, and reduced operational efficiency... EAM solutions like IBM Maximo Application Suite can help the sector overcome these challenges by providing real-time data, optimising maintenance activities, improving cost-effectiveness, and ensuring the protection of sensitive data and equipment from cyber threats..


    By adopting tried and tested methods, proven over years of varying Maximo implementations, EAM solutions can improve asset management, ensure operational readiness, and maintain a competitive edge in the sector...

    The Aerospace & Defence sector is facing several asset management challenges in 2023...

    • Increasing asset complexity

    • Adoption of new aerospace technologies

    • Cost management in asset operations

    • Data management for aerospace assets

    • Workforce management in the aerospace industry

    • Cybersecurity concerns in aerospace and defence systems

    IBM Maximo offers a comprehensive asset management solution tailored for the Aerospace & Defence sector to overcome these challenges. It provides customized workflows specifically designed for aerospace and defence, comprehensive asset tracking and management capabilities, integration with advanced aerospace technologies, streamlined work processes for efficient operations, mobile accessibility for remote asset management, and robust security features to ensure the protection of aerospace and defence assets.

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    MaxiCloud is Industry's chosen cloud-hosted solution for IBM Maximo Application Suite - here's why...

    All-access Maximo

    Best-of-breed Enterprise Asset Management from the best providers in the business – Mobility, Asset Health Monitoring, Scheduling, Archiving, Inventory Management, Permitting & more.

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    Secure MAS Hosting

    Maintaining your systems and netwroks with the latest security updates and comprehensive disaster recovery, backed by round-the-clock incident support for absolute business continuity.

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    'Essentials' Toolset

    Our esteemed comprehensive toolset of innovative MAS admin and user features, apps, and utilities - based on industry experience and best practises - shipped and built-in as standard.

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    24/7 MAS Support

    Localized, certified assistance worldwide, integrating seamlessly with our DevOps approach, we offer continuous 'Follow the Sun' support, ensuring expertise is always on hand, anytime!

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    Maintain digital records for assets in any location with Fingertip Mobile EAM

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    Looking after your assets in the Field

    BPD’s Fingertip mobile app is the most fully-featured and field-tested mobile implementation for Maximo. Fingertip can operate either with a live connection to Maximo, or completely independently – syncing only when a live connection is re-established. This is ideal for Defence environments, where the ability to operate in non-network locations can be essential.

    Fingertip enables you to:

    • Works offline in forward or hazardous environments
    • Issue work orders in the field
    • Enforce your processes at any location with Mobile Forms
    • Captures full audit trail for all work
    • Make inventory changes or order stock while on site
    • Captures images and GPS positions for better asset status data
    • Deploy to all major mobile devices types (including ATEX) and operating systems

    Fingertip provides you with unrivalled mobile asset management benefits, and our experts have hundreds of combined years of experience configuring it to match your exact needs.

    Our Public Sector Offerings

    BPD Zenith’s work with Public Sector, Government, Defence and Aerospace organizations has been primarily via our work with Facilities Management Clients, where the end client of the Computer Aided Facilities Management (CAFM) system is a Public Sector organization.

    Either directly or indirectly we have implemented, upgraded or managed CAFM, asset management and estate management systems for:

    • Australian Defence Force

    • Calgary Parking Authority

    • City Parks Services (Auckland Council)

    • Government Agency

    • Ministry of Defence

    • Ministry of Justice

    • RAF

    • Royal Navy

    Example: G-Cloud (UK Government)

    G-Cloud 12 is a pre-approved UK Government purchasing framework that enables public sector organisations to compare and procure solutions through its Digital Marketplace.