
68% of UK industry at risk of failing on-the-spot Health and Safety Executive inspection

Written by Jonathan Nichols | May 16, 2024 2:10:06 PM


New research has found that nearly one-fifth (17%) of UK industries, from renewables and telecoms to defence and transport, have received enforcement action at some point due to fixed and movable assets not meeting HSE compliance standards, with over 10% receiving an HSE fine...


  • Nearly 50% of organisations said that their data isn’t sufficiently detailed, nor updated or recorded accurately enough, to comply with the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and other HSE regulations that apply to their sectors

  • 86% of respondents said they would like to see improvements to their asset management systems

  • 42% still use paper-based methods to record, update, and store critical maintenance data, with over half using Excel


7 in 10 organisations operating in some of the UK’s biggest industries admit that they are unlikely to comply with on-the-spot Health & Safety Executive (HSE) inspection due to a lack of data proving that their fixed and moveable assets are managed and maintained to the required regulatory standards. 

New research from BPD Zenith has found that nearly one fifth (17%) have received enforcement action in the past due to assets not meeting HSE compliance standards, with over 10% receiving an HSE fine.  

The research on 2,000 UK businesses, commissioned by enterprise asset management (EAM) solutions specialist, BPD Zenith surveyed organisations operating in the utility and renewable industries, including telecoms and broadband, as well as the defence, transport, pharmaceutical, and healthcare sectors.  

The findings revealed that nearly 50% of these organisations’ data isn’t detailed, nor updated or recorded accurately enough to comply with the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 or other HSE regulations that apply to their sectors.   

The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 legally and duty bounds companies to ensure the safe working environment for employees and third-parties, including the general public, who may be affected by an organisation's activities. The HSE compliance standards work alongside the Health and Safety Act, designed to protect people and the environment. Penalties for failure to comply can include fines, orders for operations to cease, and imprisonment if the misconduct is found to be serious enough. 

86% of respondents did acknowledge that improvements to their asset management systems and processes are required to drive up the quality, completeness, and consistency of their data. Asset management systems are operational processes and tools that help manage the performance and maintenance of fixed or moveable assets. These assets include everything from production and manufacturing machinery to equipment found in buildings such as HVAC systems, elevators, and security doors, and any vehicles used in day-to-day operations.  

42% also confirmed they still use outdated paper-based methods in part or in full to record, update, and store maintenance data, with over half using Excel spreadsheets, rather than using digital asset management solutions. 

Amongst the priority improvements to their asset management strategies, 68% recognised the need for enhanced data quality, 50% highlighted improved analytics, and 46% identified a need for better systems integration with their existing EAM solutions.  

Findings also identified a greater demand from organisations for improved field-based, mobile data capturing and utilisation solutions. Nearly half of all responses (47%) said recording data in the field, not being able to record data at the point of work, a lack of intuitive forms, and not having technical data and maintenance manuals at the point of use, as the biggest challenge to keep asset management and maintenance data updated. Access to real-time inventory levels (18%) and struggling to plan, schedule, and dispatch work to multiple crafts and contractors (11%) were amongst the other challenges organisations faced.  


Roger Walker, Group Head of Innovation at BPD Zenith said:
“The results from this survey have been surprising in part. However, what they do identify is that 80% of these companies probably aren’t where they need to be in their asset management digital transformation journey. What they need to identify though is why. Do they have the right asset management strategy, processes and tools in place? If not, is this due to a lack of resources, either through investment in the right equipment, or software, or people, or it may be a case that data collection and analytics are not sufficiently high on their list of priorities.”

Walker continued:
“HSE inspections are essential for ensuring organisations of all shapes and sizes are adopting best practices which align to the legal standards expected on health, safety and an organisation’s environmental impact in their industries. These checks can also help pinpoint where processes may be weaker and help implement measures aimed at strengthening these areas. The penalties for non-compliance can be hugely detrimental to businesses, not just financially but reputationally too.

“We work with organisations across an extensive spectrum of industries, from utilities, oil and gas, transport and logistics, and manufacturing to defence and security, life sciences and facilities management. Over recent years we have seen a growing demand for mobile solutions to support asset management amongst those organisations with large, complex and field-based estates. As well as a growing need for solutions to capture data, there is also an increasing demand for tools that support the teams maintaining these assets, whether that’s in the form of planning and scheduling tools for work order management, or intuitive solutions while they are on the job.” 


If ytou'd like any further information around this market research, please get in touch HERE

For assets to support this announcement visit BPD Zenith’s virtual newsroom. Here you’ll find: 

  • A copy of this announcement 
  • A photo of Roger Walker, Group Head of Innovation 
  • The BPD Zenith logo 

Information on the research 

This survey was conducted by a third-party MRS registered research agency. 2,000 eligible UK respondents completed the survey online. 500 of the 2,000 respondents were from the Utilities & Renewables sector (including telecoms & broadband), the other 1,500 respondents were from Defence, Transport, Airport, Pharmaceutical & Healthcare. Eligibility was confirmed with screening questions.  

Those surveyed were made up of those working in the following roles including Heads of Asset Management and Asset Managers/Physical Asset Managers, Inventory and asset managers, Equipment Asset Managers, Facilities Management, Maintenance, Office Manager, Facilities Management Managers, Facility Managers, Senior Maintenance Engineers, Site Managers, Head of Facility Management, Site and Facilities Manager. 

About BPD Zenith 

BPD Zenith is a global leader in the Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) industry, delivering innovative and tailored solutions for clients across various sectors. With a wealth of experience spanning 3 decades, BPD Zenith's expert team is dedicated to helping organizations maximize asset performance, reduce costs, and drive sustainable growth.