What is MaxTECH?

    MaxTECH is the first ever dedicated Maximo Technical User Group aimed at Maximo Administrators, Developers and Technical Support staff.

    It is a great place for users to ask and answer technical questions, learn from each other, collaborate and help improve Maximo in your organization.

    MaxTECH was founded in 2017 by BPD Zenith. We host several events every year (Calgary, St. Louis, MaximoWorld, Houston, MUWG, Northern California MUG, Maximo UK & Ireland User Group) including digital events. MaxTEACH is a free online user group designed to go in depth into a Maximo topic.

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    Events & On Demand Webinars

    MaxTEACH: Creating an Integration using Automation Scripts

    ON DEMAND WEBINAR | Duration: 60 minutes

    Learn how to use Automation Scripts for the following:

    • Update Maximo data with sent information
    • Transpose data from one format to another
    • Connect to non-Maximo database and run SQL commands for that database (direct database to database updates)
    • Gather data from multiple tables in Maximo and send to external system
    • Enhanced error handling/reporting
    • Ability to re-send data from Maximo to external system easily

    MaxTEACH: Maximo Inspections Deep Dive and Roadmap

    PRESENTATION | Duration: 6-min read
    Learn Maximo Inspections from a Technical Perspective:
    • How to Integrate Inspection Data into Core Maximo
    • Migration of Inspection Forms from one Maximo to Another
    • Creation of Inspection Forms using the MIF
    • Understand the Inspection Database Tables
    • Write an Inspection Result BIRT Report
    • Keep work orders and inspections in sync with an automation script
    • Modify the automation script to create work orders from inspections
    • Create and Inspection Result tab in the Work Order Application
    • Understand some performance guidelines and best practices (plus patches available from IBM)
    • Hear from the IBM Architect about the future of Inspections

    MaxTECH Resources

    MaxTECH – Extending Maximo Records with Views

    MaxTECH Guest Presenter, Jade Warren (Great River Energy), joins us again - this time he shows us what what a Maximo view is, and how to create them, and shares a creative and efficient trick with the ever confusing Maximo tables.

    MaxTECH – Custom Applications Using Just Configuration, Part 2: Enhancing an Application to Request New Items and Inventory in Maximo

    A continuation of his last presentation, "Custom Applications using Just Configuration: Part 2" is a continuation In this presentation, Stephen Hume's show us how to enhance an Application to Request New Items and Inventory in Maximo!

    MaxTECH – Custom Applications Using Just Configuration Part 1: Building an Application to Request New Items and Inventory in Maximo

    Building an Application to Request New Items and Inventory in Maximo with "custom" Applications by using just configuration! Presented by Guest Speaker Stephen Humes with Sheffield Scientific.

    MaxTECH – The Configurable Status Lifecycle

    MaxTECH Guest Presenter, Jade Warren (Great River Energy), demonstrates and describes the innovative configurations that were done in Maximo to create this unique solution for managing and tracking IT projects.

    MaxTECH – Maximo Inspections Deep Dive

    Learn about Maximo Inspections from a Technical Perspective including some performance guidelines and best practices.

    MaxTECH - Run and Attach a Report to an Email in Maximo Workflow

    Learn how to create an automation script to attach a work order detail report to an email communication when a work order is approved.

    MaxTECH - Creating Targeted Audits in Maximo

    Learn how to build a custom audit solution in your Maximo system that will provide pinpoint accuracy for auditing of key system data.​

    MaxTECH - Maximo Management of Change (MOC) Implementation Best Practices and Recommendations

    Learn more about Management of Change (MOC) and best practices. Understanding the business process is essential, it is important to visualize key elements like roles, information flow, approvals, and protocol for unapproved scenarios. The business must actively participate in documenting this process to ensure any automation or software implementation succeeds.

    MaxTECH - Maximo Reporting: Delivering on Maximo’s Promise...

    Insight into Maximo Reporting. Often overlooked or ignored, reporting out of Maximo is the key to deriving business value from the system.

    MaxTECH - 5 Ways of Making a Field Required in Maximo

    Discover the five ways to make a field required in Maximo and determine when it is best to use each solution.

    MaxTECH - Cool Reporting Technique, Non-BIRT Reports Integrated into Maximo

    How to create a cool summary report using Automation Scripts, Actions, Application Designer and HTML​.

    MaxTECH - Build a Custom Application to Manage all Queries

    How to build an application for managing all queries in all applications in Maximo. This provides an admin user with the ability to modify queries which have been created by any user in Maximo.

    MaxTECH – Handy Workflow Configurations

    Examples of some key configurations that have helped business users adopt the workflows and business processes more readily.

    MaxTECH - .NEW and .DUPLICATE Automation Scripts

    Meeting client requirements with the .NEW and .DUPLICATE automation scripts (which would have previously required java customization).

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